Beechwood Inn Bed and Breakfast: Beechwood Inn offers Farm to Table Dinners and seeks to reconnect food to its origins and people to their food by serving local, seasonal, and sustainable food for breakfast, at our nightly wine-thirty, and for our Saturday Chef’s Table-Style Dinners.
Beechwood Inn Bed and Breakfast
Beechwood Inn Chefs were instrumental in introducing farm to table dining to Northeast Georgia.  For over 10 years Beechwood Inn has sponsored local culinary festivals and events designed to connect visitors and diners to local foods and sustainable practices. Beechwood Inn Chefs were co-founders of Georgia Mountains Foodways Alliance, a  statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the celebration, promotion and preservation of the authentic food culture of the Georgia Mountains
To further enhance our diner’s farm to table experience we operate Grow, Cook, Eat – Culinary Garden, an organic vegetable, herb and edible flower farm in Rabun County. Our Chefs may have sown the seed for your dinner back in March, observed the sprouts coming out of the ground, tended them, admired them as they pulled them from the soil, and finally they put the finishing touches on the whole project by preparing it for your plate.
Our farmers collaborate closely with the kitchen to grow heirloom and native landrace crops, expanding even more the potential for our kitchen to provide an outstanding dining experience. We proudly farm organically, and utilize a broad array of heirloom and native varieties grown in this region for centuries. These landraces create a biodiverse, sustainable and flavorful
Beechwood Inn offers fine dining  every Saturday featuring Chef’s Table Tasting Dinners paired to fine wines. Each menu is pre-selected by our chefs based on what is seasonal and available that night. Most of our seasonal foods are organic and natural, many from sustainable North Georgia farms, orchards, dairies and vineyards. Due to the special nature of our foods and because of their higher cost advance reservations are needed. Learn more about our obsession with using fresh and local products.
Beechwood Inn named one of the 10 Best Farm to Table Restaurants in Georgia
Read about Beechwood Inn’s culinary garden.