Outdoor 76
Whenever you take to the great outdoors, Outdoor 76 is an outdoor store that can outfit you with the best fly fishing gear, kayak & canoe rentals, clothing, footwear, hiking gear and accessories for any adventure you have planned. They’re a specialty outdoor shop and outfitter located on Main Street in downtown Clayton, Georgia. The staff at Outdoor 76 is committed to meeting your technical needs on the trail and your lifestyle needs off the trail!
In October 2010, we set out to open an outdoor store focused on supplying outdoor enthusiasts with an experience built on technical expertise, customer service and a comprehensive gear selection.  What we found was that shop itself was only part of the equation. The other part was creating an environment that fostered growth in our community and allowed people to connect with each other in ways that we didn’t think would be possible.  We have also embraced the philosophy of making our staff as important to our complexion as the products we offer – compromising technical expertise or kindness-driven service is not an option. We have been beyond blessed with some incredible staff that have brought the perfect mix of talents and hobbies, allowing us to truly specialize in representing all areas of the outdoors.
104 North Main Street
Clayton, Ga
(828) 349-7676
Outdoor 76